TB Wiki


Democratic (All tribesmen have a voice and speak their minds on issues)

Warlord (The strongest and most fearsome warrior of the tribe is the sole leader of the group)

Federation (Multiple tribes come together under one banner to work on issues together)

'Monarch' (The strongest and most fearsome warrior will hand down his tribe to his sibling or children)


Merchants (The richest and most successful merchants come together to make choices as a unified guild)

Oligarch (A republic where a few families work together to hold power and elect amongst themselves)

Democratic (A republic where electives are voted in and parties are formed to make decisions for the people)

Pure Democratic (A republic where all people's are given a vote and hold equal power)

Dictatorship (The elected representative holds absolute and unquestioned power over the nation)

Bureaucracy (The republic is controlled by state officials where all choices are based off strict guidelines and rulings)

Noble (The noble houses of the land come together to make decisions for the nation)

Dictatorship Lottery (Randomly select a ruler chosen from the population to lead)


Gavelkind (All titles are shared equally between the monarch's children)

Elective Gavelkind (All titles are passed down unequally between the monarch's children)

Elective Monarchy (The heir is chosen by voting process of the dynasty's family)

Primogeniture (The oldest child inherits the throne)

Ultimogeniture (The youngest child inherits the throne)

Seniority (The oldest living dynasty family member inherits the throne)

Tanist (The heir is chosen by voting process between the dynasty's family and their vassels)

Religious Succession (The heir is chosen by a religious head)

Feudal Monarchy (A system where the monarch and nobility exchanges land and money in return for military service and labour)

Constitutional Monarchy (The monarch's powers are defined and limited by a written constitution created by lawmakers)

Reichan Elective Empire (All the Kings, Lords and High Priests of the land vote for an Emperor to rule and protect them)


Council (A council made up of the highest clergymen or priests make unified decisions)

Messenger of Heaven (A singular head of the religion acts as the voice of their deity and rules the nation)

Order (Either an order of priests, knights or zealots. Has a rigged and structured political system mirroring the military)


Theodemocracy (A mixture between a theocratic government with limited democratic institutions)

Technocracy (A republic where decision-makers are decided by technological knowledge)

Capracracy (Rule by goats)
